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Learn more about what it means to be a member of Grace.

We believe church membership is an important facet of each believers’ growth in the Lord. Remember these factors as you consider this important step of commitment:

  1. The New Testament concept was one of working through a local body and not just belonging to the universal church of all believers.
  2. As doctrinal unity is stated through the membership process, consistency in teaching and thus protection of the flock is promoted.
  3. A person can participate in the call of additional pastoral staff and the selection of men to the church council with a greater degree of insight.
  4. A person can be involved in the modification of the constitution and thus have a say in the governmental affairs of the local body.
  5. A person is stimulated to be a body builder and reach out to others who are ‘their’ family.
  6. A person is recognizing the leadership of a church, which is responsible to God to watch over the care of the souls of the people.
  7. A church ability to expand its ministry and reach more people for Christ is enhanced.
  8. A person has a sense of belonging where they truly can state ‘my church family’. This intensifies the desire to be used among the people of the local body for the work of the Lord.

If you have had the time to evaluate the ministry of Grace, we invite you to prayerfully consider becoming a member. We know that you will benefit from you decision and others will, too. Grace will never be the perfect church, nor can we ever guarantee that we will not experience difficulties, but we can firmly say that we will move forward in His Spirit in a more viable way to do His work.

Once you make the commitment in your heart, please convey that to us by coming forward at the end of a service, contacting the church office by way of your welcome card or by a phone call, or by filling out the form below. It will be our joy to start the membership process with you.